Hi, I am John doe!

Hello, I'm Admin of weblogtemplates and this is our new blogger template, Foliocard.
It is extremely easy to configure and use. Designed to show your Web design or web development portfolios.
No complex stuff. Your logo, your articles & your social links. Easy stuff!

I'm working on a new game now and wanted to share it with you guys. Not quite your usual platformer - in this game you need to help one young fairy to regain her magical abilities! What it all ends with? I have absolutely no idea myself! :)

P.S> Check out the sketches and full sized version in the attachment!

First shot !

I'm working on a new game now and wanted to share it with you guys. Not quite your usual platformer - in this game you need to help one young fairy to regain her magical abilities! What it all ends with? I have absolutely no idea myself! :)

P.S> Check out the sketches and full sized version in the attachment!

Lorem Ipsum

I'm working on a new game now and wanted to share it with you guys. Not quite your usual platformer - in this game you need to help one young fairy to regain her magical abilities! What it all ends with? I have absolutely no idea myself! :)

P.S> Check out the sketches and full sized version in the attachment!

Ios Game

I'm working on a new game now and wanted to share it with you guys. Not quite your usual platformer - in this game you need to help one young fairy to regain her magical abilities! What it all ends with? I have absolutely no idea myself! :)

P.S : Check out the sketches and full sized version in the attachment!